The greatest option for 24-hour electricity in Lebanon is the Eastman Battery 230ah Carbon Lead Acid delivered by STSS.
Lead-carbon batteries are manufactured using a lead-carbon negative pole plate and a lead-carbon positive pole plate. A lead-carbon dual function negative pole plate combines lead (Pb) and the dual electric layer capacitance carbon material (C) to achieve the capacitance and battery feature.
With the help of this battery, you will be able to store the electrical current generated by the solar panels until you need it at night.
If there is a problem with the power company, you won’t need to worry since the solar panels will charge the tubular batteries and provide you with a steady flow of electricity.
The easiest method to ensure a consistent source of electricity for your house or business is with this solar battery.
So give us a call at STSS right away and let one of our professional operators assist you in making a decision.